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Life Lately || Lessons Learned
Every day is an oppprtunity to learn something new.
Some times we miss the lessons and sometimes we don't. We grasp at that tiny bit of information that goes under our radar and we become better for it.
Here are some lessons, I learnt this past few months;
- If you don't say it, it doesn't exist
I was always of the habit of never saying what I truly feel, what I want and speaking about what I can do. I held back on things I needed to make me happy and fulfilled. But no more!
If there's anything I've learnt is that you always have to speak up. Be your most magical self. Let people know who you truly are. Don't be afraid to speak life to your dreams. For in speaking it, the job is half done.
- If you don't write, it won't be written
Write whatever comes to mind. This is something my mum told me the moment she noticed I had fallen in love with writing. I took her advice for a while and then I stopped. Lately I started keeping a journal again; not calling it a diary, and I have to say it has been really good for me.
As a writer, it is important to put down any idea or thought that crosses your mind. There may be the key to your big break. Don't let that one great idea disappear because you forgot to "Write it down."

- If you don't create, it'll never be created
I had an idea to create a blog and I did. I wanted to be in a band I did. I wanted to learn how to dance, sing and act, I did that too. There are so many things I dream of accomplishing and I have faith that I'll have it all as long as committed to making them happen.
They are people with dreams that go unrealized because they were too scared to try or doubt themselves. Those dreams will always be what they are, a dream. It'll remain that way until you take that brave step to making it your reality.
Thank you for visiting my blog guys, see you on my next post.
What do you dream about? What steps have you taken to making them happen for you? Do you have doubts?
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Kuku 🖤🖤🖤
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