Write about writing; My 500 words challenge-Day 10

Why do I write? 

It's simple. I got too many voices in my head. Too many thoughts and scenarios playing at ones. Most of them about my life and the rest of the life I dream about. I had to put those voices to good use. I had to let them out, to give them something productive to do.

When did I fall in love with writing? 

I fell in love with writing way back in highschool when I wrote a killer essay that got my teachers talking. It was articulate and probably one of the best work the school had seen. At least that was what my teacher said. So, I wrote some more. I made a habit of keeping a journal and any idea I had, I'd put down on paper.

Then one day, I had a crazy idea to write a novel. I did my research, wrote my plot and off I went to write my little heart out. It didn't have to be extravagant. I just needed to write the story I couldn't get out of my head.

When are you most inspired?

In the mornings, when I get out of bed or when I'm sipping my cup of coffee. The voices always speak to me. Now, I'm not crazy but I just can't seem to silence my mind. Sometimes I can't concentrate on a conversation because I'm busy drumming up ideas or thinking about some ridiculous plot or twist and turns to my next story. Even as I write, I am thinking of something else. I take a moment to calm my mind, zone in on a particular topic, and then I can start writing.
But I have to say when I'm most inspired is when my heart is broken. Pain drives me, pain inspires me.

I have overheard some comments that Samantha writes about pain and heartbreak most of the time. I have to say I'm not ashamed of that. I write about relatable topics. I sell Fantasy and Fiction but I'm also an advocate for the truth nobody wants to talk about.

When did you start seeing writing as a possible career path? 

When I realized I was good enough. When I realized I could grow. When I realized I'd be doing myself a disservice as well as the world if I don't give this a chance. I was also inspired by friends who believed in me even when I couldn't. As writers are greatest critics is ourselves. You say you're not good enough and you keep saying this till your brain believes it too, even though it isn't true. And the most demoralizing part of it all is when you publish your work on social media platforms and get no recognition for it.

For a time I decided to quit. Writing was no longer a serious career path for me but a hobby. Nobody cared about what I had to say so why bother? I kept writing but for myself alone. It wasn't until too months ago that that ember came to live again and I tell you it wasn't about acknowledgement but because I had finally accepted the fact that I was just that good and I have a path to play in the literary world. Suddenly, writing seemed like it again for me.

What role does writing play in your life? 

Simply put, it helps me unburdened my soul.


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