My 500 Words 31-Day Challenge!

Today marks the first step to what I hope will be one of the most thrilling experiences I'll have this month.
Last night, I had a light bulb moment, and I decided that instead of sitting on my back side and waiting for inspiration to fall on my laps I'd rather put myself to work. Luckily, I have the best support group a girl could ever hope for. Someone very dear to me (name reserved for their privacy) sent a link to me which I found very helpful and also inspired the previous post. The writer of the article I received is Jeff Goins and his mission is to help writers like you and I out of our funk.

After reading through it I discovered a link at the end of the page to join a writing challenge. For months I have taken more online classes than I can count and I have to admit that when I saw this one I wasn't so willing. Nevertheless, I pushed that button and I feel I made the right call. Anyways, to cut my yapping short, I got my first email today and I am super excited to dive in. And so I thought , why not share this with my readers? Someone out there is bound to pick a thing or two from this experience.

Now, the plan is to write at least 500 hundred words a day or more. You can go over board if you like. At the end of the day what matters is you get to write your little hearts out. The exercise helps you break free of your creative jam. No idea is terrible and nothing you write will be judged. Just write, every and anything that comes to mind.

The first task in the email I received this morning was to write a Facebook post or a blog post or an announcement about this challenge with a content of no more than 500 words or less. So here I am, doing just that. I'm doing good huh?

Here are some of the rules involved for following this challenge;

  • Write 500 words per day, everyday for 31 days.
  • You can write more if you want but 500 words per day is the minimum. Just have fun with it.
  • Don't edit. Just write.
  • If you miss a day, pick up where you left off. You just have to make sure you complete the number of days for the challenge.
  • Encourage. don't criticize (unless explicitly invited to do so).
  • Blogging counts, but email does not.
  • And the best part, all this is totally FREE. As Nigerians I'm sure we'll appreciate this.
Well, that's all i got for today. I intend to most more than I have been in a while as I know this process is the change and inspirational moment I have been waiting for. I'll drop the link to the article at the end of this post so those who are interest can join in the fun. 

Thanks for reading and for visiting my blog today and i wish you all a lovely week.
#newbeginnings #lifelately


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