I'm not a football fan, most of the time. But when it comes to my country and supporting Chelsea FC, I swear I can get so pumped.

The 2018 World Cup is fast becoming the most exciting so far. From the opening ceremony till today there hasn't been a dull moment and we can't wait to see who takes the cup home. Personally I hope it'll be our Nigerian Super Eagles.

As much as the boys, are standing out fashion wise I would also like us to crown that endeavour with some shining brass. What you y'all think?

The Super Eagle's Kit has been named GQ's most fashionable kit so far in the 2018 World Cup. I have to say I am remarkably impressed at how they seem coordinated, focused and motivated. For the first time in a while I see some Nigerian spirit. And I have to say I think that's the true purpose of the sport. Bringing back a sense of kinship.

Today I watched the super sport special "From Russia with love" covered by Minnie Dlamini, a South African correspondent and I saw people from all over world support their teams with so much passion and a whole lot of  love. I have to say it was really inspiring and it's truly a beautiful thing.

Like said, I'm not a football fan but I'm sure after the World Cup I just might be.

The Super Eagles will face the Croatian team and I must admit, I am scared to my boots of the outcome. I am also hopeful as are so many Nigerian's on social media and on TV that the Eagles will come out victorious in the end. I can't wait for the game to begin. I'll be giving life reports on my Instagram and Facebook page. For y'all who won't be able to catch up with the match.

Let's be supportive of our team guys and pray to God the tide turns in our favor. Thanks for stopping by.

Share, comment and let's see some predictions.

Love you guys!!!


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