Hello my lovelies. It's the end of 2017 and I am more than grateful. Now let's take a look at back at the moments that made my 2017 special. I made good decisions and some bad once as well but in all there were lessons learned.
I had some lovely moments as well but I must say my best of 2017 was this year's Christmas. It was so lit and I had the best time ever. I have always been an introvert but for some reason the fun and outgoing personality of mine came out to play and it was amazing.
It all started with my friends wedding preparations. It was a hectic weekend but it was all worth in the end. There was the bachelorette and we got turned. Being that it was my first bridal shower I didn't know what to expect. I went in all shy and I really thought I was going to be in a corner, quietly nursing my drinks but it was an entirely different scenario for me when the music got turned to the max.
There was girl bonding, lots of drinking, dancing and screaming. It was all fun and I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas Weekend. Sadly I didn't get to Carol like I always do due to the fact that I lost my voice but it was still perfect and magical. Nothing can spoil the magic of Christmas for me.
As you might have read in my previous post, 2017 started pretty rough for me. It wasn't at all what I expected to happen and I thought was going to vanish into depression but as the year progressed I found reason to be grateful. I learned a lot this year and I gained so much more than I lost.
I got the gift of growth, acceptance, tolerance, kindness and self control. Most importantly I learned not to allow people hurt me and how to love myself for who I am. I also learned how to forgive which wasn't to easy for me to do before. I grew a lot as a person and I am grateful for that. I only hope 2018 will present even better opportunities.
I got a lot to say on this particularly for my plus size sisters. Do not let anybody make you feel bad about your body. Love yourself because you are pure gold and they ain't nobody like you. Now, I'm not saying taken care of your body and exercising and watching what you eat is a bad idea. Living a healthy life is all good but when you don't accept yourself as you are you're just on a path to self destruction.
I was so depressed about my weight. I used to be very skinny and back them I thought I was perfect. Clothes fit and I could walk on the street without people hating on me because my size was socially acceptable. Then I started adding weight and down went my confidence. It was really bad but this year changed everything for me. My mentality that I wasn't pretty because I was fat changed when I met some amazing women on IG. They shared their stories with me and it made things more clear to me. My point is, don't let people make you feel less about yourself. You can not please people and it's certainly not what trying at all. So in the coming year try living for yourself. Make yourself happy. Love yourself.
It was all about the Ankara print for me and it was in full bloom this year. I have to say, I love that Africans especially Nigerians are beginning to patronize our local trends. It depicts the authenticity of our culture for which I am an advocate of.

That's all I have for today guys. 2017 has been magical indeed but I can't wait for 2018. I am grateful for lessons learnt and memories shared. My prayer is 2018 will be better than the rest.
See you in the new year my lovelies.
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