Hi guys,
It's an honor to be using this medium to reach out to other women and men out there. It has been a long road to getting this blog started. My work is certainly not done yet but i am happy that i have taken that first step to achieving my biggest dream. which is touching and changing lives with my words.
Over the past two years i have started a lot of blogs which i ended up abandoning. Not for lack of interest or commitment but for fear of failing. But i say no more. "If you truly want to be great in life then you must dare to dream and commit your time and soul to making that happen."
As women and humans in general we all seek connection and a place where our thoughts and ideas can be understood and expressed. Call it a creative outlet and that is what my blog is all about. Discussing important matters that help better our lives and as well nourish the soul. I preach possitivity and hope and people thats all you're going to get from me.
Getting this blog up and running wasn't the easiest thing for me to do. There were so many obstacles and so many times i just wanted to pull the plug on the whole thing. Then, I was inspired by a blog post written by Tamera Mowry, who is also a blogger and an actress. she said, "Women are multitaskers by design. we are wives, girlfriends, co-workers, sisters and mothers.... Don't be afraid to tap into each of those of roles and gifts. If you have a dream nothing can stop you from achieving it but yourself. so dare to dream big. dont be afraid to ask for help and advice. All it takes is one post at a time! Boy, did that sink in.
I'll take it one step at a time and before long, who knows. i might just have my own media house.
Another reason why i started this blog is because like other bloggers i needed a space to really express my thoughts, feelings, ideas and my take on the world. I needed my blog to be a reflection of me, a place to share my thoughts, style, stories, dreams and so much more to anybody who card to read my blog. It isn't always easy to be so exposed but in the end it is always worth it.
Through the course of my blogging career my main goal is to let you into my world and in the process inspire lives with my stories, my style and experiences. so get ready y'all. its going to be a fun ride.
Oh well, thats all the time i have for today. I hope you enjoy reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing and sharing it. please leave your thoughts and comments on topics or what you'd love to see on this blog.
With love from,
It's an honor to be using this medium to reach out to other women and men out there. It has been a long road to getting this blog started. My work is certainly not done yet but i am happy that i have taken that first step to achieving my biggest dream. which is touching and changing lives with my words.
Over the past two years i have started a lot of blogs which i ended up abandoning. Not for lack of interest or commitment but for fear of failing. But i say no more. "If you truly want to be great in life then you must dare to dream and commit your time and soul to making that happen."
As women and humans in general we all seek connection and a place where our thoughts and ideas can be understood and expressed. Call it a creative outlet and that is what my blog is all about. Discussing important matters that help better our lives and as well nourish the soul. I preach possitivity and hope and people thats all you're going to get from me.
Getting this blog up and running wasn't the easiest thing for me to do. There were so many obstacles and so many times i just wanted to pull the plug on the whole thing. Then, I was inspired by a blog post written by Tamera Mowry, who is also a blogger and an actress. she said, "Women are multitaskers by design. we are wives, girlfriends, co-workers, sisters and mothers.... Don't be afraid to tap into each of those of roles and gifts. If you have a dream nothing can stop you from achieving it but yourself. so dare to dream big. dont be afraid to ask for help and advice. All it takes is one post at a time! Boy, did that sink in.
I'll take it one step at a time and before long, who knows. i might just have my own media house.
Another reason why i started this blog is because like other bloggers i needed a space to really express my thoughts, feelings, ideas and my take on the world. I needed my blog to be a reflection of me, a place to share my thoughts, style, stories, dreams and so much more to anybody who card to read my blog. It isn't always easy to be so exposed but in the end it is always worth it.
Through the course of my blogging career my main goal is to let you into my world and in the process inspire lives with my stories, my style and experiences. so get ready y'all. its going to be a fun ride.
Oh well, thats all the time i have for today. I hope you enjoy reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing and sharing it. please leave your thoughts and comments on topics or what you'd love to see on this blog.
With love from,
We hope to enjoy riding & thanks for sharing!